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An Introduction to ITIL and CobiT

By IPSECS Admin. Posted in Management | Comments Off

CobitIn the bowl of alphabet soup that feeds our industry lurk two acronyms that actually have little to do with technology, and everything to do with how we use it: ITIL (the IT Infrastructure Library) and CobiT (Control Objectives for Information and related Technology).

These two complementary sets of best practices deal, respectively, with service management and with governance in IT organizations. Between them, the ITIL and CobiT provide guidelines to help companies cut support costs, increase IT efficiency, and meet regulatory requirements.

The ITIL was developed by the British government in the 1980s as a best practice framework for IT service management. It is vendor-independent, and the Crown still holds copyright to ensure no organization can hijack the framework for its own purposes. It really is a library, too, originally consisting of over forty individual volumes, each one dedicated to a separate area of service management. ITIL Service Management is currently embodied in the ISO 20000 standard (previously BS 15000).

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