Grid Toolkit – Grid Computing Hacker Kit
By IPSECS Admin. Posted in Exploitation, News | No Comments »Just like what we promised before, this time we want to release grid toolkit which usable to perform pentest against grid computing infrastructure. It’s almost two years after we release paper related to grid computing [in]security at 2008. The paper contains of:
- Introduction to grid computing
- Grid computing scanning and enumeration
- Exploiting network and transport layer related to grid security
- Exploiting DNS to stop grid infrastructure trusteeship
- Exploiting web based – grid computing portal
- Cracking certificate authority pass phrase
- Exploiting headnode trusteeship using XML file
Some points mentioned can be exploited using existing network security tool while others are already supported by Grid Toolkit. Grid Toolkit uses python with some additional module which must be installed. The additional python module are:
- Module goto to support grid toolkit core program
- Module ClientForm to support grid portal guessing
- Module Paramiko to support certificate authority cracking
Grid toolkit supports to:
- Scanning and enumeration grid infrastructure
- Guessing login gridsphere – web based grid portal
- Cracking pass phrase of certificate authority private key file
- Exploiting headnode trusteeship using XML file
More reference about how to install and use this tool will be available soon, so just keep in touch with IPSECS. Finally you can download grid toolkit on gridtoolkit.sourceforge.net or reading python source code on core.ipsecs.com!
IPSECS Admin is
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