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Buffer Overflow & Format String

By IPSECS Admin. Posted in Exploitation | No Comments »

This is really old archive, it’s almost three years since January 2007. But, i guess this will really be useful to start learning. Check this out.


Can you imagine our indonesian internet core routing to be shutted down? None can browse their email, open facebook, or just search through google. Can you imagine indonesian internet banking stopped working for a while? Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) won’t work to response your request? That’s all just the lowest risk when core routing to be compromised.

Can you imagine when your confidential data to be sniffed without none notice it? Can you imagine when your username and password to be stealed? Oh that’s not big deal huh? But try to imagine your banking transaction to be intercepted and modified, yeah that’s the real fear on digital world. Hell yeah, this paper explains you how that problems are possible. This paper try to tell you how weak our indonesian core routing infrastructure, check it out!





Another FreeBSD Root Exploit Leaked!

By IPSECS Admin. Posted in Exploitation | No Comments »

The latest version of freebsd is found to be vulnerable. This vulnerability is found in run time link editor (rtld) which can be tricked to accept LD variables even on setugid binaries. You might see this flaw by analyzing this exploit.

With this leaked exploit, it’s more than 10 exploitable vulnerability leaked to public this year (2009)! So it’s that true if freebsd as secure as what people said?!