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idsecconf 2009 Call For Paper

By IPSECS Admin. Posted in News | No Comments »

Kami dari komite idsecconf 2009 memberi kesempatan pada rekan-rekan penggiat keamanan komputer di seluruh Indonesia untuk berpartisipasi lewat penyerahan paper. Topik yang kami cari adalah seperti di bawah ini:

* Web hacking
* Wireless hacking
* Metode Penetration testing
* Forensic dan Anti Forensic
* Kriptografi
* Fuzzing
* Exploit writing
* System hardening
* Lock Picking
* Open Hardware Implementation

Jika anda memiliki judul paper diluar cakupan topik diatas, kami masih terbuka untuk mempertimbangkannya selama masih berkaitan dengan security.

Format paper adalah file Open Office Writer dengan ukuran halaman “Letter” Gambar bisa langsung disisipkan ke dalam dokumen atau dibuat terpisah. Format gambar adalah PNG dengan ukuran dimensi maksimal (lebar x tinggi ) 640 x 480 pixel dengan resolusi 72 pixel per inch. Jika nama file dipisahkan, mohon nama file dirujuk dari naskah. Setiap gambar harap disertai keterangan secukupnya.

Naskah yang dikirimkan juga sudah harus mencakup:

# Nick, email dan nomer telepon yang bisa dihubungi
# Biografi singkat, afiliasi, dan achievement (Maksimal 250 Kata).
# Rangkuman dari Persentasi (Abstraksi)(Maksimal 1250 Kata)
# Peralatan Pendukung yang dibutuhkan (video, internet, wireless, audio, etc.)
# Durasi yang di butuhkan (60 menit, 90 menit, 120 menit)

Pengiriman naskah ditujukan ke e-mail address: dan
diterima paling lambat Jumat, 18 September 2009.

Keputusan penerimaan atau penolakan paper adalah sepenuhnya wewenang komite idsecconf 2009 dan tidak bisa diganggu gugat. Bagi yang papernya diterima, akan menerima pemberitahuan tertulis lewat e-mail untuk persiapan presentasi on-stage pada acara idsecconf 2009.

Kami tunggu partisipasi anda semuanya!


komite idsecconf 2009


An independent security consultant publicized this week the details to a critical flaw in the server message block version 2 (SMB2) component of Microsoft’s Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and the release candidate for Windows 7.

The researcher, Laurent Gaffié, claimed in his advisory that the vulnerability causes a Blue Screen of Death, a pernicious crash on Windows system, but other researchers have subsequently concluded that the flaw is actually remotely exploitable, a more serious issue.

Microsoft acknowledged the flaw on Tuesday in an advisory. The flaw does not affect the latest version of Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, nor Windows XP, the company stated. Microsoft took the researcher to task for disclosing the information before it fixed the security issue.

Yet, Gaffié argued that the disclosure was fair. The software company should have done more software quality assurance (SQA) on the networking components, he said in an e-mail interview with SecurityFocus. If they did, they would have easily found the issue — it took his fuzzer only 15 packets to crash the component, he said.

“So I personally think the one who has been irresponsible is Microsoft for shipping this driver on any Server 2008, Vista, and Windows 7 (system) without doing any SQA and security review,” he responded.

Gaffié said he notified the company, but had a typo in the e-mail address.

The flaw was disclosed on Monday, the day before Microsoft’s regularly scheduled patch day. The software giant issued five patches for eight vulnerabilities, including three flaws in the company’s TCP/IP networking stack. Other flaws affected Windows’ Javascript engine and its Windows Media components.

While Microsoft has not released a fix for the issue, the software giant recommended that administrators disable SMB version 2 or block the specific TCP ports (139 and 445) used by the file-sharing feature.

Source :





All Linux Kernel Are Targeted

By IPSECS Admin. Posted in Exploitation | No Comments »

Yupe, that’s true when sock_sendpage() is discovered to be vulnerable by Tavis Ormandy and Julien Tinnes. The function is vulnerable to NULL pointer dereference that can be exploited to escalate priviledge to be root. Most of linux kernel are reported to be vulnerable. Exploit to take advantage of this flaw has been developed and spreaded freely on internet. The exploit can be used to bypass security restriction like SElinux. – the first written exploit by spender of gresecurity – another exploit taken from – another exploit from p0c73n1 – another exploit written by Ramon de Carvalho Valle of risesecurity

Download the exploit, compile and execute! BOOMMM It’s root! Finally, this post is a little bit late :D .