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Web & Wireless Hacking

By IPSECS Admin. Posted in Exploitation, Presentation | No Comments »

This is my presentation in STIMIK Dipanegara Makasar. I try to describe Web and Wireless exploitation conceptually & technically. This presentation consist of:

  • Web Hacking; I try to describe top 3 web exploitation, SQL Injection, File Inclussion, and Cross Site Scripting (XSS). My explanation are including SQL injection in login form, SQL injection in URI parameter, Local File Inclussion, Remote File Inclussion, DOM based XSS, Non-persistent XSS, and persistent XSS.
  • Wireless hacking; I try to describe how to do war driving and how to exploit wireless network. Exploiting wireless network includes how to spoof MAC address, creating Rogue AP, Cracking WEP, Cracking WPA-PSK, and Denial of Service (DoS).

This presentation is not including how to defend that kind of attacking, but i’m sure this presentation is cool enough to start learning Web & Wireless Hacking. Download my presentation here.





Distributed Password Cracking

By IPSECS Admin. Posted in Exploitation, Presentation | No Comments »

Password cracking which uses some computers to accelerate password cracking process. It usually uses computer clusters and some software to support parallel computing. Some known software to do parallel computing in cluster computers are:

  • John The Ripper and Condor, John works as password cracker while Condor works as scheduler which parallelizes cracking proccess and distributes it to clusters.
  • John The Ripper and Djohn, John works as password cracker while Djohn works as client-servers application which parallelizes cracking proccess and distributes it to clusters.
  • Medussa, password cracker which’s originally designed to do parallel password cracking. It contains client servers application to parallelize cracking proccess and distribute it to clusters.
  • John The Ripper with MPI patch, john which’s developed using MPI programming. MPI is standard de facto for parallel programming which’s implemented on some softwares i.e : OpenMPI, MPICH, and LAM/MPI.

Our presentation describes how to do parallel cracking using John The Ripper with MPI patch. We use 15 dual core computers and LAM/MPI in distributing cracking proccess. Download our presentation here.





Global Trend Attack

By IPSECS Admin. Posted in Exploitation, Presentation | No Comments »

The complete title is “global trend attack in local network“, this is my presentation in Telkom RDC Bandung at last 2007. It’s old but still nice enough to know what threats may disturb your network. Download my presentation here.

This presentation explains top 6 flaws which’s commonly exploited in Local Network. They are:

  • Spoofing; ARP Spoofing, IP Spoofing, DHCP Spoofing, DNS Spoofing are commonly exploited.
  • Man In The Middle; Using some spoofing techniques to do Man In The Middle attack.
  • Sniffing; Combining Man in The Middle with some tricks to passively intercept communication in Local Network.
  • TCP/IP Hijacking; Doing active sniffing and modificating data traffic to take over active TCP/IP connection.
  • Remote Code Execution; Using some software application flaws to exploit local network infrastructure. Buffer Overflow and Format String are the most common flaws to be exploited in Local Network.
  • Denial of Service; Most powerful denial of service (DoS) comes from Local Network.

This presentation is completed with ways to defend this attacks and minimize security risks.