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How to Cheat The Ads for Profit!

By IPSECS Admin. Posted in SEO and Ads | No Comments »

Have you ever thought to put your ads in compromised website? Have you ever done to modify someone ads with your own? Putting your ads in someone website will not help increasing your revenue in low-traffic website.

Have you ever thought to insert malware in compromised website and exploit their clients? yeah browser vulnerability is the answer! Inserting in low-traffic website will not really help spreading your malware and compromise their clients!

Now, even this is old for us (IPSECS), we release tool to identify trafffic rank based on Alexa. This tool will help you to identify Alexa Rank on massive collected domains. By knowing the traffic rank of domains, this tool helps you to decide if website is worth or not if you put your ads on them. By knowing the traffic rank of domains, you can know if website is potential or not in boosting your revenue. Our simple tool need some perl module to be installed:

  • strict
  • warnings
  • Switch
  • LWP::UserAgent
  • HTTP::Message

Lastly, you can download our tool to help indentifying traffic here. Cheat the ads for your profit, Boost your revenue now!